Rev. Leigh Brown, Co-Chair

Ada vargas, co-chair
Nearly ten years ago I was a student searching for a spiritual community to grow with and ask big questions about myself, my identities, and my place in the world. I am forever grateful to have found anna and their way of gathering. sacred collective matters to me because a spiritual community like this can be life changing and affirming, it was for me. It truly helped me grow comfortable in my queer identity and my spiritual exploration.

Betty Stiefel, Secretary
I have lived in a small town in eastern Iowa the past forty some years. 4/4 churches in town have not affirmed LGBTQ+ persons. Although I attend the United Methodist Church, it has not always been a place of belonging. My son discovered the Wesley Center (now sacred collective) when he became a student at the University of Iowa. I became part of Not Your Typical Bible Study and a whole new world opened up to me. I’ve embraced using the Greatest Commandment as a filter for interpreting scripture. On one hand I’m still wrestling with many questions about my faith. On the other hand I’m more at peace. I’m grateful for what sacred collective has done for me and my son. I hope my service will open up that opportunity for many more students at the U of I.

Tabitha Wiggins, M.S.

Jannalee Nieuwenhuis
sacred collective matters to me because I am passionate about spiritual communities that create space for those who feel like they don’t belong, allowing them to unmask and freely explore the complexities of life. The world desperately needs places where people can be reminded of the power of interdependence and the beauty of allowing yourself to open your heart up to others.

Chris Cheatum
Witnessing the transformation in our students’ lives is what truly makes sacred collective so important to me. This close-knit community fosters a profound sense of belonging, and I’ve seen firsthand how this supportive environment empowers them to discover their potential. The growth they experience is truly life-changing, shaping them into confident and compassionate individuals who make the world a better place.

Austin Wu
sacred collective matters to me as I found it to be a place of warmth, comfort, and nourishment when I was a student at the University of Iowa. With a new name and new location now, I would like to see it persevere and thrive for current and future students, continuing to serve as a safe and welcoming place for students in Iowa City.

sean finn

Andrea layne

Lindsay McAfee Cukier
The very existence of sacred collective allows us a judgment-free space to explore our own humanity. Students, especially, need that type of support and environment.